You are here: Idealpos Online eCommerce > Configure Mr Yum in Idealpos Online

Configure Mr Yum in Idealpos Online


Mr Yum is an ordering service which allows customers to place orders from their table using their own smart-phone device.

Each table will contain a QR Code that Customers will scan with their own mobile device.

Their device will then display the menu for your Venue from the Mr Yum site and display the items that you have available to order.

The Customer will select the items they wish to order then they'll pay for them from their device.

Once payment has been processed, the order will be sent to the Kitchen Docket Printer (provided that Automatically Send Orders to Kitchen Printers is enabled), ready for preparation by the Chef.

The order will arrive into the Idealpos terminal as a Web Order and will be displayed at the top of the POS Screen (provided that auto-finalise Pre-Paid Orders is not enabled).

This process is all web-based and the Customer does not need to download or install any app on their device.

For more details about Mr Yum, click here to visit their website.


Pre-requisites for using Mr Yum

Before continuing, you will require the below details and steps will need to completed:



Once the above pre-requisites have been met, complete the below steps to configure Mr Yum with Idealpos Online eCommerce:


Idealpos Online Configuration

The below steps are to be completed in order to configure the Idealpos Online component of the process.



Setting up the Mr Yum Interface in Idealpos Online - Entering Settings

After the ECommerce Interface has been added to the Subscription, the eCommerce tab will become visible.

If you aren't already on the Idealpos Settings screen, click on "Settings" located at the bottom-left corner of the page.



Click on the Pos Terminals tab.

Ensure that the Pos Terminal(s) you intend to use with Mr Yum are currently in an Online state. Should the Pos Terminals appear as Offline, check that they're turned on, have internet access and ensure that the Idealpos Service/Idealpos Upgrade Services are running.



Go to the eCommerce tab.



Click on the "Add Service +" button towards the top-right corner of the eCommerce tab to configure the Mr Yum Interface.


The Add Service screen will be displayed. Enter the required settings.


Enabled: Enable Checkbox

Type: Mr Yum

API Key(*): Enter the API Key supplied by Mr Yum

Table Section: Table Section allows orders from a specific Table Section in the venue (e.g. Indoor, Outdoor, Bar, Restaurant, etc.) to be processed to an assigned POS Terminal. By utilising the Table Section functionality, multiple services can be setup in Idealpos Online using the same Location ID. Note that if the Table Section functionality is required, it will need to be setup by the provider (e.g. Mr Yum) and the details will need to be provided to Idealpos to configure within the eCommerce Setup.
- If only one service is setup in Idealpos eCommerce and the Table Section is left blank, all orders will be received by the POS Terminal configured for that service.
- If the Table Section is populated, when eCommerce orders are received by Idealpos, they are checked for that Table Section tag. If a match is found, an order is received. E.g. ROOFTOP. Multiple Table Sections can be added to a single Order Service separated with a semicolon (;). E.g. ROOFTOP; GARDEN.

Shop Domain(*): Enter the Shop Domain supplied by Mr Yum

Pos(*): Select the POS Terminal from the dropdown box which will be used to process orders placed from Mr Yum.

Price Level(*): Select the Price Level that will be used by Mr Yum. The Price Level that is configured here should be the same as the Price Level that is configured in Idealpos
(Setup > Global Options > Interfaces > eCommerce > Price Level).

Idealpos Stock Location(*): Select the Location from the dropdown list where you want Stock Levels to be deducted from for any orders placed by Mr Yum. Note that Idealpos also contains a Web Order Location setting in Setup > Global Options > Interfaces > eCommerce. The Location configured in Idealpos is used for reporting sales.

Recurring Job (minutes)(*): The frequency which Stock Items are synced from Idealpos to Mr Yum.

Delivery Item Code: If using a delivery service to deliver ordered items to a customer, enter the Delivery Item Code which will be used for recording and assigning delivery charges to.

Gratuity Code: Any Tips made by a Customer will be recorded against this code. To utilise this, you will need to create a Gratuity Stock Item in Idealpos, then enter the Stock Item Code into this field.



Idealpos Configuration

In addition to the above Idealpos Online configuration, there is also some configuration to be done in Idealpos, all of which is done via Global Options.



Using Mr Yum